Anse Tamara Gray

Shaykha Tamara Gray is an Islamic scholar, professional educator, and community activist. She holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum Theory and Instruction, multiple ijazas in Islamic sacred texts and subject matter, and is currently a doctoral student in leadership at the University of St. Thomas in MN. Her publications include several culturally appropriate English language curriculum programs, translations of sacred texts, academic articles and her book, Joy Jots: Exercises for a Happy Heart. Shaykha Tamara is the founding director of Rabata, the parent non-profit organization for a number of projects including: Ribaat Academic Online Program, Daybreak Press publishing, Daybreak Bookshop, and Leadership and Legacy Curriculum materials.. She is part of the ISNA task force for more inclusive and welcoming mosques, on the advisory board of Muslim Women’s Association of Chicago, and the Muslim Anti-Racism Committee. She is a public speaker, often engaged to speak about issues of gender, Islam, and spirituality locally, nationally and globally. Some of her platforms have included, the World Parliament of Religions, the Bonyaan conference on the Muslim woman (Sweden), Islamischer Feminismus – Internationalalae Annaherungen (Islamic Feminism – International Approaches) Berlin, Germany, the Islamic Society of North America and a number of universities including Princeton, Virginia Tech and Oxford University.


4 April 2017
Ep. 12: Don't Be A Victim - Anse Tamara Gray & Zaynab Ansari


25 July 2018

Can We Deliver on Behalf of the Prophet? Six Ways to Spread the Message of Islam

Muslims are busy working on survival. We are dealing with internal strife, external stress, political and social upheaval and plain old fear. Most of our energy is concentrated in our own communities, our families and – when we have a minute or two – ourselves. We are exhausted. It is hard to even imagine mustering up the energy to do more. But the question still tickles in our heads and hearts: are we delivering on behalf of the Prophetﷺ? Are we carrying the responsibility of the gift of the message of Islam?

15 May 2018

Off to University! Ramadan Has Begun

Ramadan is the Muslim’s university.

Each week is like a full year. The first week you are a ‘fresher’ – getting the feel of the month and learning your way around. In the second week, as a sophomore, you are in the groove and feeling confident. The third week you are a junior of Ramadan; you may begin to tire and need to reach deeply into your core self for strength and stamina. The last week, as a senior, you are both ready to graduate and feeling like you are not ready to leave. Where did the time go?

8 November 2017

Hamrā’ al-Asad: Three Ways to Face Defeat

This little known event gives us a glimpse into the leadership of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He reaches forward to us today with lessons of the power of shared experience, the import of women in community, and the power of a show of strength.

15 March 2017

Muslim Women in Leadership: Nana Asma’u, Daughter of the Shehu

The history of Muslim women is a history of action, acumen and resilience. It is a history of intelligence, interest and stamina. It is a history of personal power, community care and global grit. And few exemplify this history like Nana Asma’u of the early nineteenth century.
