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Recent Series

4 April 2022
Tazkiyah For Teens Series

Join us as we discuss the concept of purification of the self for teens. Find out what is freedom? Who am I truly? And, what is happiness?

All these integral questions are essential for living lives of beauty and joy. Join us as we find out why the journey to God is unlike any other and why the happiness one finds in it is unmatched by any worldly pleasure.

5 April 2022
Environmental Realities and Reflections Series

In our times, most of our children, teens and adults are studying science through the very harmful and erroneous lens of materialism. This has caused the study of the environment and science in general to further people from the Divine and live in unbalanced ways; when indeed a proper study of the environment and science should do the exact opposite.

6 April 2022
Choose Well: A Map for Daily Life Decisions Series

In this series of lectures, followed by a interactive discussion of 11 practical case studies, we will study select aspects of Islam’s spiritual and rational sciences that give us the tools to make keener rational and spiritual choices in our daily lives — and to live, ultimately, a noble life of optimal material and spiritual well-being.

7 April 2022
The Living Prophet Series

Moutasem Atiya takes on a spiritual journey through the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

This series examines the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from pre-existence to his life on earth ﷺ as the most perfect Khalifa of Allah and a mercy to the worlds.

Moutasem Atiya tells numerous stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, in particular the immense love the companions have for him ﷺ and how we can inculcate love and reverence for him ﷺ in our time.

Featured Series

21 March 2022
Diseases of the Heart Series

Moutasem Atiya takes us on a 10-part journey in a brand new weekly series on the diseases of the heart. In these short 5-10 minute episodes, Moutasem cites contemporary examples and modern manifestations of these diseases and gives us advice and how to overcome these dangerous traits.

21 March 2022
Muslim Superhero Series

Moutasem Atiya grew up as a fan of comic book superheroes, like Batman, Superman, the X-Men, heroes that stood up for values such as justice. He shares a story of how these superheroes brought him closer to Islam as kid, and developed a love for the Prophet and his companions.

22 March 2022
Spiritual Purification Series

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui focuses on Tazkiya, the characteristics of a polished heart, and the spiritual dimension.

22 March 2022
Conversations Series

Moutasem Atiya asks the big questions during his conversations with contemporary scholars who bring insight into topics that aren't usually brought to light.

22 March 2022
Stories from the Qur'an for Kids Series

Moutasem Atiya takes young hearts on an expedition through some of the stories of the Qur’an. Grow in love and awe of Allah’s book as his stories stir their imagination and ignites their passion for their heritage.