Hanaa Unus


30 May 2017

Tools To Deal With A Spiritual Emergency

As we enter this beautiful month of Ramadan, it is important to take the time to reflect on our relationship with Allah and how to strengthen our reliance on Him when facing trials. Here are two tools we must keep in our hearts every day and be ready to pull out in case of a spiritual emergency.

2 November 2015

Stepping Forward With Our Voice

We do not have the luxury or the permission from Allah to isolate ourselves from those around us. While it is challenging to face the unfortunate animosity, we must be the first to follow the example being set by our faith leaders today and to step forward and be voices of tolerance, kindness, and compassion.

16 April 2014

Lemonade Recipe: One Part Lemon, One Part Allah

When life hands you lemons, give them to Allah and ask Him to make lemonade!
