Life & Culture
Money Now!: Living on Charity & the Need For Institutional Sustainability
Is relying on donations sustainable? Was it, in fact, ever? After hearing that charity just isn’t enough repeated by more than a few, we wondered how can something so elemental to our faith, namely zakah, and more broadly, sadaqah, and as important in our social and religious history as awqaf, be so emphasized and successful and yet be insufficient?
Youth Gone Wrong: Addressing the Homegrown Lone Wolf
In light of recent events involving homegrown youth, we need to ask ourselves, "Why?" You may not be able to change global politics, but you may be able to change a young man or woman’s mind. We have the ability within ourselves to change the outcome.
The Consumption of Corpses in Social Media
The phenomenon to share images of the dead in social media from conflict regions such as Gaza shows the sad state of affairs when Muslims lose perspective on the sanctity of the human being, and begin to blindly participate in turning an ennobled creation of God from an end into a means towards political goals.