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ImanWire is an online multimedia platform focusing on articulating spirituality in modern times, highlighting a diverse group of American Muslim voices. Join our hosts Moutasem Atiya, Mohammed Saleem, and Ghuydar Bashmaf. Start listening now to our latest podcast episodes.

Ep. 81: Slavery and Islam Part 4: Slave-Concubinage - Zaynab Ansari

"Those whom your right hands possess", a Qur'anic descriptor for female slaves, can evoke a number of charged emotions and thoughts that can be difficult to reconcile with our modern sensibilities today.

21 June 2020
Ep. 57: On Racism

Mustafa Davis and Moutasem Atiya have a raw, powerful conversation on race in the wake of the ongoing assault on Black lives in America, and we revisit insights from previous guests on anti-blackness, Black history, social justice and anti-racism work.

15 April 2020
Ep. 56: Closing the Gaps of Social Distancing - Najwa Awad

Psychotherapist Najwa Awad joins the podcast to discuss the effects of social distancing due to COVID-19 and provides practical advice on self-care, mental health, and managing family, children and the stress of sheltering in place.

19 March 2020
Ep. 55: A Spiritual Response to the Coronavirus- Mokhtar Maghraoui

Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui discusses the global reaction to the COVID-19 virus and how faith based communities should respond to this unprecedented tribulation.

25 February 2020
Ep. 54: Soul Searching - Yahya Rhodus

What is the state of your soul? Shaykh Yahya Rhodus joins the podcast for a wide-ranging discussion on the different stages of the soul, spiritual growth, and the role of submission, an unpopular notion today, in achieving true freedom.

5 February 2020
Ep. 53: Reconnecting With the Prophetic Legacy - Hasib Noor

Hasib Noor discusses the importance of preserving and visiting the historical landmarks from the life of the Prophet ﷺ to make the Seerah a living reality to guide our lives. We also discuss the impact of losing our connection to our history and the crisis of spirituality and manhood among Muslim men.

20 January 2020
Ep. 52: What To Learn - Recep Senturk

In the sequel to the previous episode, "Why Learn?", Dr. Recep Senturk, President of Ibn Khaldun University in Istanbul, returns to the ImanWire podcast to discuss what we should learn, from the knowledge of God, to knowledge of the self, to the knowledge to help others.

20 November 2019
Ep. 51: Hearts Turn - Michael Sugich

What is the reality of Tawba? Michael Sugich, author of "Hearts Turn: Sinners, Seekers, Saints and the Road to Redemption", joins the podcast to discuss the process of spiritual purification through continuous turning to God, highlighting examples of those who have walked the path of Tawba toward a higher reality.

11 November 2019
Ep. 50: Crossover: West Meets East

Worlds collide on this special 50th episode of the podcast, as the US and Istanbul teams come together to discuss studying abroad, cultural identity, and the role of community in developing spiritually.

5 November 2019
Ep. 49: The Ottoman Sufi - Suleyman Derin

Professor Suleyman Derin joins the podcast to discuss the great spiritual master, Aziz Mahmud Hudayi, and the importance of spirituality in Ottoman culture.

20 October 2019
Ep. 48: On Joker: Muslims in Gotham - Giovanni Herran

Who is the hero and who is the villain? Giovanni Herran joins the podcast to talk about the film "Joker" in a conversation on alienation, socio-economic dehumanization, mental illness, as well as other perspectives on the film when viewed through a Muslim lens.

17 October 2019
Ep. 47: Talking to Teens

How can we understand what's on the minds of our teenagers? Moutasem Atiya is joined by a group of teens to listen to their thoughts on talking (or not talking) to parents, finding faith and the challenges living as a Muslim.

1 September 2019
Ep. 46: Disillusioned: Scholars & Politics - Hassan Lachheb & Mohamed Ghilan

In recent years, both the general public and many students of knowledge have been disappointed by the personal mistakes or political positions of some scholars.