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ImanWire is an online multimedia platform focusing on articulating spirituality in modern times, highlighting a diverse group of American Muslim voices. Join our hosts Moutasem Atiya, Mohammed Saleem, and Ghuydar Bashmaf. Start listening now to our latest podcast episodes.

Ep. 81: Slavery and Islam Part 4: Slave-Concubinage - Zaynab Ansari

"Those whom your right hands possess", a Qur'anic descriptor for female slaves, can evoke a number of charged emotions and thoughts that can be difficult to reconcile with our modern sensibilities today.

23 July 2019
Ep. 45: Misogyny, Racism & Classical Texts - Zaynab Ansari

Coming across a statement from the pre-modern scholarly tradition that would be considered misogynistic or racist today can be a jarring, troubling experience.

25 June 2019
Ep. 44: Keep it Real with Allah - Yasir Fahmy

Shaykh Yasir Fahmy returns to the podcast to discuss "keeping it real", the call-out culture, the debates between the right and left, and finding balance in addressing the divisive issues of the day.

5 May 2019
Ep. 43: Where Did the Qur'an Come From? - Jonathan Brown

Where did the Quran come from? Dr. Jonathan Brown returns to the podcast for a discussion on the roots of the Qur'anic text, its compilation, and what impact its historicity has today on how we view the last sacred scripture.

22 April 2019
Ep. 42: Truth in the Age of Feeling - Muhammad Mendes

Shaykh Muhammad Mendes returns to the podcast to discuss the concept of truth in the Islamic worldview, the role the heart plays in determining how we recognize truth, and the changing standards (or lack of standards) for truth in the age of relativism, "alternative facts" and "fake news". How can we be seekers of truth and guide others to it?

8 April 2019
Ep. 41: Honest Struggle: Life After Prison - Sadiq Davis & Justin Mashouf

Though prison life is very difficult, life after prison can in fact be much harder. Sadiq Davis and Justin Mashouf from the new film, "The Honest Struggle" join the ImanWire podcast to discuss the issues facing Muslims re-entering society after prison, and the role the Muslim community can play in providing social and spiritual support.

1 April 2019
Ep. 40: Why Learn? - Dr. Recep Senturk

Why learn? Dr. Recep Senturk, President of Ibn Khaldun University in Istanbul, joins the ImanWire podcast to answer this question

19 March 2019
Ep. 39: Straight Talk - Imam Siraj Wahaj

The ImanWire podcast goes on the road for a conversation with Imam Siraj Wahaj, as we honor his lasting impact on an entire generation of Muslims.

3 March 2019
Ep. 38: Allah Is God, Keep It Simple - Preacher Moss

In the first Istanbul edition of the ImanWire podcast, comedian Preacher Moss swings by the studio for a conversation

18 February 2019
Ep. 37: Race, Faith & the Next Generation - Bilal Ansari

Imam Bilal Ansari from Williams College joins the podcast to keep the conversation going about race relations and shares his perspectives on prison reform and the pressing issues facing a new generation of Muslim college students.

5 February 2019
Ep. 36: American Islam: Cultural Imitators or Innovators? - Ubaydallah Evans

Ubaydallah Evans, scholar-in-residence of ALIM, joins the podcast to discuss culture, the role of custom in the Islamic legal tradition and challenges in applying it in America, the effect of changing social norms on Muslims, and a vision for Muslims to be producers of a vibrant, confident American Muslim culture.

4 January 2019
Ep. 35: Political Quietism or Liberation Theology? - Hassan Lachheb

As people throughout the world suffer from poverty and oppression, what approach can Muslims take in grappling these issues?

6 December 2018
Ep. 34: Approaching the Qur’an - Zainab Alwani

Shaykha Zainab Alwani joins the ImanWire podcast to discuss how to be a contemplative reader of the Qur'an, and gives practical tips on how to connect with the Qur'an.